Sunday Brunch Buffet

Sunday morning brunch is always a treat, so to make it remarkable, come and sit amidst the spectacle of an erupting geyser and enjoy our delectable delights...

From freshly baked breakfast pastries, to Belgian waffles and the allure of rēwena fried bread paired with golden syrup and butter, the offerings at Pātaka Kai are a celebration of Aotearoa.

Delight in the delicate flavours of manuka smoked king salmon, savour twice-cooked sticky glazed pork ribs, or enjoy buttermilk fried chicken.

For those keen on breakfast classics, grilled maple bacon and eggs beckons, while creamy mushrooms seasoned with horopito add an indigenous herb twist.

Booking times available every hour, book from 10:00am - 1:00pm.

Picture of Sunday Brunch - Adult
Sunday Brunch - Adult
Select calendar for more events.
Picture of Sunday Brunch - Child 5-15
Sunday Brunch - Child 5-15
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Picture of Sunday Brunch - Infant
Sunday Brunch - Infant
Select calendar for more events.