The maro is a frontal apron tied around the waist and is a traditional garment that is worn by both men and woman. This maro has been fashioned with strands of muka fibre within the flax.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 470mm x 340mm
Neck Piece
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 305mm x 80mm
The paddle or hoe was the means of propulsion for the Māori waka (canoe). While the hoe was primarily a paddle, it also doubled as a weapon when the need arose. Carved paddles were the property of the chief and were highly valued. The hoe came in different styles and the handles and blades differed from area to area.
Patu (meaning to strike or hit) were typically fashioned from native hardwood, whalebone or stone, including our highly valued pounamu (greenstone). Patu were often sharp at their forward edge and were used with thrusting, jabbing and swinging blows.
Māori weapons are notable for their fine sculptural form and were designed for close hand-to-hand combat. No other stone-age war implements surpassed them in deadly effectiveness.
Material: Onewa (NZ Greywacke)
Measurements: 380mm x 100mm
The tekoteko is a stylised representation of the main progenitor of a tribe and is the most focal point of the whare whakairo (carved tribal meeting house). They can be found – on traditional meeting houses – either at the highest point at the front apex of the roof or at the front central post. They can also be found at the base of the poutokomanawa (the main central ridge support post) of the house.
Material: Tōtara
Measurements: 865mm x 210mm x 180mm
Tukutuku is a type of ornamental weaving using reed lattice work rather than threads. It is used mainly to adorn the inside walls of wharenui (meeting houses).
Material: Hardboard, Strapping & Acrylic Paint
Measurements: 350mm x 670mm
Pāpaka (crab catching stick) originated in Hawaiki (the original homeland of Māori). Rēhua (the god of fish) handed a pāpaka to a rangatira (chief) before his journey to Aotearoa. This pāpaka is part of a limited edition of 12 bronze casts from an original wood carving by Kawana Waititi. The original will remain part of the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute legacy collection.