Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Feather Adornments
Measurements: 240mm x 200mm x 100mm
Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 260mm x 220mm
Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 260mm x 190mm
Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 520mm x 140mm x 20mm
Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 260mm x 220mm
Kete whakairo are woven flax bags of a finer quality than the general utilitarian kete. They are normally made from prepared strips of flax and/or kiekie, some of which have been dyed. Kete whakairo may also feature geometric designs.
Material: Harakeke & Muka
Measurements: 260mm x 230mm
Kete Kai is a food gathering basket that is typical used to house food from the ocean or the land. Kete kai was used for every type of food that was gathered. You were not allowed to mix land food kete with the ocean food kete as it was tapu. The pattern on this kete kai is taki tahi and the holes are called puareare.
Material: Harakeke
Measurements: 390mm x 280mm